Research by a team led by the University of East Anglia has shown that tendon specimens from people who suffer from adult acquired flat feet show evidence of increased activity of proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes can break down the constituents of the involved tendons and cause the foot arch to fall. In the future, these enzymes may become targets for new drug therapies.
Published in the journal, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Flat feet (also called pes planus or fallen arches) is a medical condition in which the arch of the foot collapses, with the entire sole of the foot coming into complete or near-complete contact with the ground. In some individuals the arch simply never develops in one foot or both feet. Overpronationin feet with normal arches is caused by excessive stretching of the fibrous tissue that is present at the bottom of your foot.
Because young children are unlikely to suspect or identify flat feet on their own, it is a good idea for parents to being their children in to see Dr. Fosdick for a checkup. You should notice whether your child begins to walk oddly, for example on the outer edges of the feet, or to limp, during long walks, and to ask your child whether he or she feels foot pain or fatigue during longer walks.
Adults can develop flat feet through unusual or prolonged stress to the foot, faulty biomechanics, weight gain, or as part of the normal aging process. Flat feet can also occur in pregnant women as a result of temporary changes, due to increased elastin during pregnancy.
If you have pain in your legs, knees, back or feet due to flat feet, we can prescribe exercises, orthotics and even corrective surgery to bring your feet back to full health and performance. If you suffer from hyperpronation, due to an abnormal closing of the Sinus Tarsi, a naturally-occurring space between the talus and calcaneus bones, we can place a small stent into the Sinus Tarsi which prevents the abnormal excessive pronation and restore normal motion to your feet. this is a minimally-invasive outpatient procedure that can have you back into your shoes within a week.